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Зимина Татьяна Александровна


Методическая разработка урока по теме «Семья». Приёмы формирования лексических  навыков -  «Cinquain», «Кроссворд», «Лексический массаж 

(физ. минутка)».  

Учитель английского языка  МБОУ – Лицея №5 

 г. Мценска Орловской области –

 Зимина Татьяна Александровна.

 План-конспект урока.

УМК «Английский с удовольствием» М.З. Биболетовой, Н.В. Добрыниной, Н.Н. Трубанёвой, издательство «Титул».


 6 класс, раздел 7 «Living together».

           Методологическая цель: создание на уроке условий для интеллектуального и эмоционального развития учащихся.


   Развивающая цель: развитие  ассоциативного мышления, внимания, способности к сравнению и сопоставлению, догадке.

   Воспитательная цель: посредством ролевой игры привитие навыков внутрисемейного общения; воспитание уважительного отношения к старшему поколению; воспитания чувства партнёрства. 

    Познавательная цель: приобретение опыта работы с учебными компьютерными программами


         Учебная цель:  формирование лексических навыков чтения и говорения; расширение словарного запаса учащихся по теме «Семья»; совершенствование умения учащихся в пересказе текста

Оборудование: УМК «Английский с удовольствием» М.З. Биболетовой, Н.В. Добрыниной, Н.Н. Трубанёвой, 6 класс; компьютерная программа «E - Gram»  (Easy Grammar), автор – А. Ермаков; PCs; магнитофон; аудиозаписи; 2 кроссворда на ватманах; синквейны; раздаточный материал; дидактический материал – «Семейное дерево».

                                                                                      Ход урока:


1. Введение в ситуацию.

Good morning dear members of a great family! I’m glad to see you. Today our granny Christina has a birthday. It is her hundredth anniversary. In Great Britain there is a wonderful tradition. If a person celebrates his or her hundredth anniversary the Queen herself sends a telegram and congratulates this person on his or her birthday.

2. Целеполагание.

 And what can we do in such a situation? What do you think?

(Возможные предположения учащихся:

 sing a song «Happy birthday to you», congratulate our granny Christina, play party games, give presents to Christina, have fun and entertain...)

3. Речевая зарядка.

Agreed. Let’s congratulate our granny Christina on her birthday. Do you want to wish her anything?

Pupils: Happy birthday to you.

             Many happy returns of the day.

              I wish you to be ... (happy, healthy, merry, beautiful)

              I want you to be ...

              Be ...

Sure we can sing our traditional song «Happy birthday to you». This time let’s try to do it with music. Ready? OK. (дети исполняют песню «С днём рождения» под музыку)

4. Формирование лексических навыков говорения.

 You are the members of a big family. What is a family in general according to the poem from your students’ books? Open your students’ books on p. 128, ex. 18, please. Look through the text and give the definitions of a family.

So what is a family?


One and another makes two is a family.

Baby and father and mother: a family.

Parents and sister and brother: a family.

All kinds of people can make up a family.

All kinds of mixtures can make up a family.

The children that lived in a shoe is a family!

A pair like Kanga and Roo is a family!

A calf and a cow that go moo is a family!

All kinds of creatures can make up a family.

All kinds of numbers can make up a family.

All of your family plus you is a family.  

 Who is a volunteer to recite this poem? All the rest, please be ready to continue the poem. Be attentive to put the correct mark to your classmates for their reciting a poem, please. (учащиеся рассказывают стихотворение наизусть)

 What is ...’s mark for the poem reciting?


I think ...’s mark is a ...

I suppose ...

I am sure ...

Thank you, boys and girls.

5. Контроль домашнего задания.

At home you thought of your own definition of a family. You have composed your own « cinquain». Sure you remember the writing rules of « a cinquain».

 The first line is the name of  «a cinquain», a noun.

The second one is two adjectives.

The third one is three verbs.

The fourth one is a phrase of four words (attitude to the theme).

The fifth line is a synonym (an assosiation) of the name of a «cinquain».

 You have already written «cinquains» about different names of the relatives. («синквейны» о родственниках на «Дереве семьи»)

Now it’s time to speak about a family. What adjectives can you name about a family? What verbs? What is your phrase? What is your synonym?

Our task is to write down one «cinquain» for our family tree. First of all discuss in pairs your «cinquains» and choose the most important words, write them down on the sheets of paper number 1.  You have one minute.

Thank you. Your time is up.

 Now work in fours and do the same task on the sheets of paper number 2. You are welcome.

So let’s see what we have. What words are the most important?

 (учитель записывает выбранные учащимися определения в сводную таблицу)

Well done. Thanks.

6. Пересказ текстов. Ответы на вопросы.

When we are at the birthday table we usually enjoy speaking about tasty dishes, recipes and so on. Do you remember the poem about the behavior rules?

T. - the behavior rules – правила поведения - the behavior rules

I mean the poem «Help your mother» (ex. 25, p. 130).  Let’s recite it. Who wants to recite?

What is ...’s mark for the poem reciting?

You had individual tasks. Hope you are ready to speak about sweet things which are very popular in Great Britain and English sandwiches and tea. Let’s exchange your information. Listen to your partner attentively and answer these questions, please.

Ex. 30, p. 132.

  1. What do the words «the British have a sweet tooth» mean?
  2. When do the British eat cakes, biscuits, etc?

      3.  When do they eat more sweet things?   - On...

Ex. 34, p. 133.

1.      What sandwiches can you buy in the shops of England?

2.      Do foreigners like English sandwiches?

3.      Why don’t some foreigners like English tea?

 You may write down your answer just on these sheets of paper.  The pupils who have prepared ex. 30 – sit here, please. And the pupils who were responsible for ex. 34 – sit there, please. You have 2-3 minutes. You are welcome.

Thank you. ...’s mark for speaking is a ...

                  ...’s mark for speaking is a ...

Let’s see what the right answers are. (контроль понимания текстов)

7. Пауза релаксации.

Usually at the birthday party people enjoy themselves and entertain. We are going to have fun and do crosswords. But before it let’s have a rest and train writing the names of the relatives. This is our favourite exercise: turn to each other in pairs as «a train». The first person is writing a name of the relatives with his|her finger on the back of partner in a pair. The second one is to guess this word. Then they exchange their roles.  You are welcome. (под мелодичную музыку)

 Thanks. It’s high time to do the crosswords. We have one crossword for children and one more for grown-ups. Children are welcome here. Grown-ups are welcome there. These are your tasks. (учащиеся решают кроссворды)

                                                      Crossword for «children». (stepmother)

  1. uncle’s or aunt’s daughter / son
  2. mother’s or father’s sister
  3. mother’s or father’s brother
  4. sister’s or brother’s son
  5. a female parent
  6. a male relative with the same parents
  7. mother and father
  8. a male parent
  9. sister’s or brother’s daughter
  10. a female relative with the same parents

 Crossword for «children». (stepmother)

1.                  uncle’s or aunt’s daughter / son

2.                  mother’s or father’s sister

3.                  mother’s or father’s brother

4.                  sister’s or brother’s son

5.                  a female parent

6.                  a male relative with the same parents

7.                  mother and father

8.                  a male parent

9.                  sister’s or brother’s daughter

     10.   a female relative with the same parents

 Now let’s exchange your crosswords to check for the mistakes. Thank you; take your seats, please. What new words do you have? (stepmother, stepfather)

How can we translate them? How many parts are there in the word? (2 parts) What does «step» mean? So we have «в шаге от матери», «в шаге от отца». Can you guess the right translations of these words?

Open your vocabularies and write these words down.

8. Повторение правил образования Present Perfect tense. Выполнение тренировочного грамматического  упражнения на компьютерах.

When the day has passed some people enjoy writing notes about the day events (events, события, events) in their diaries. What does «diary» mean? I’d like to ask you to write 10 or more sentences what you have done or haven’t done during our today’s lesson. (контроль понимания домашнего задания на русском языке)

So open your record books and write your homework down.

To describe the day events you will need the Present Perfect tense.

Now let’s revise the rules of the Present Perfect tense and train ourselves in translating the sentences. While working, write down new words from this program. You are welcome. (работа с тренировочным грамматическим упражнением на компьютерах)

Let’s try to write the example sentences just now.

Thank you very much for your work. (оценки с комментариями)

 The lesson is over. Goodbye.




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