English Grammar
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English Grammar
Грамматика английского языка с использованием схем и картинок.Ознакомительные упражнения.
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Четверг, 04 Апрель 2013


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Игнатьева Виктория Викторовна

To be going to …

Конструкция to be going to do sth употребляется для того, чтобы показать, что решение уже принято и имеется намерение что-то сделать.
Sarah is going to sell her car. Сара собирается продать машину.
Look at the sky! It’s going to rain. Посмотри на небо! Вот-вот пойдет дождь.

Формы to be going to …

Поставьте глагол в правильную форму. В случае необходимости пользуйтесь словарем.
1.My hands are dirty. I ___________ (wash) them.
2.I _____________ (buy) some books tomorrow.
3.What ___________ (you, wear) to the party tonight?
4.It’s a nice day. I don’t want to take the bus. I __________ (walk).
5.Rob ___________ (sell) his motorbike.
6.John is going to London next week. He ____________ (stay) with some friends.
7.The self ______________ (fall down)!
8.I ______________ (have) breakfast this morning. I’m not hungry.
9.I’m hungry. I _________ (eat) this hamburger.
10.It’s Ann’s birthday next week. We _________ (give) her a present.
11.Kate says she’s feeling very tired. She ___________ (lie down) for an hour.
12.The car _____________ (turn right).
13.There’s a good film on Channel 1 tonight. __________ (you, watch) it?
14.What __________ (Chris, do) when he leaves school?
15.Andrew ______________ (kick) the ball!
16.Oh dear! It’s 9 o’clock and I’m not ready. I _____________ (be) late.
17.___________ (you, invite) Ann to your party?
18.What __________ (you/wear) to the wedding next week?
19.She __________ (watch) TV this evening.
20.I __________ (have) a bath. Please, wait me in the living room.

1. am going to wash 2. am going to buy 3. are you going to wear 4. am going to walk 5. is going to sell 6. is going to stay 7. is going to fall down 8. am not going to have 9. am going to eat 10. are going to give 11. is going to lie down 12. is going to turn right 13. are you going to watch 14. is Chris going to do 15. is going to kick 16. am going to be 17. are you going to invite 18. are you going to wear 19. is going to watch 20. am going to have.

Игнатьева Виктория Викторовна
Simple – Настоящее простое время

Present Simple употребляется для выражения действия, которое является фактом или происходит постоянно и регулярно: every day, morning (каждый день, утро и т.д.), always (всегда), never (никогда), often (часто), usually (обычно), sometimes (иногда), regularly (регулярно), seldom (редко). Every morning John drinks a cup of coffee – Каждое утро Джон выпивает чашку кофе.

But (но):
do – does, go – goes
watch – watches, wash – washes, pass - passes
study – studies, try – tries, однако если перед y стоит гласная, то y не меняется на i:
enjoy – enjoys, stay – stays

Поставьте глагол в правильную форму. В случае необходимости пользуйтесь словарем.
1.He ___________ (like) Italy.
2.Ann always ____________ (arrive – прибывать, приезжать) early.
3.I often __________ (forget – забывать) people’s names.
4.Caroline and I are good friends. I ____________ (like) her and she __________ (like) me.
5.They ___________ (live) in a very big house.
6.Jeremy always ____________ (wear – носить) nice clothes.
7.Ann’s car is always dirty (грязный). She never ___________ (wash) it.
8.Your job is very interesting. You ___________ (meet – встречать) a lot of people.
9.I ___________ (speak) three languages (language – язык).
10.The earth _________ (go) round the sun.
11.Carl always ____________ (work) hard.
12.Polly and Mike _____________ (do) a lot of different things in their free time.
13.I never _________ (eat) breakfast.
14.She ___________ (have) a shower every morning (to have a shower – принимать душ).
15.I usually ________ (walk) to work, but sometimes I __________ (go) there by car.
16.Susan ___________ (wash) her hair every day.
17.Mike ___________ (do) his homework every evening.
18.Jo and Peter ___________ (visit) their grandparents every week.
19.Penguins ___________ (live) in the Antarctica.
20.Ann ___________ (work) very hard. She __________ (start) at 9.00 and _________ (finish) at 6 o’clock in the evening.
21.We never ___________ (go) to the theatre.
22.Mary always __________ (enjoy – наслаждаться) parties.
23.I am a teacher. I ____________ (teach) mathematics to young children.
24.The supermarkets usually ____________ (open) at 10 o’clock in the morning.
25.We often ___________ (go) away at weekends.
26.Water ____________ (boil – кипеть) at 100 degrees Celsius.
27.This dress is expensive (дорогой). It __________ (cost) a lot of money.
28.The museum ___________ (close) at 6 o’clock in the evening.
29.Children usually ____________ (like) chocolate.
30.Your English is good. You ___________ (speak) very well.

Ответы: 1. likes 2. arrives 3. forget 4. like, likes 5. live 6. wears 7. washes 8. meet 9. speak 10. goes 11. works 12. do 13. eat 14. has 15. walk 16. washes 17. does 18. visit 19. live 20. works, starts, finishes 21. go 22. enjoys 23. teach 24. open 25. go 26. boils 27. costs 28. closes 29. like 30. speak.

Игнатьева Виктория Викторовна
Present Perfect – Настоящее совершенное время

Время Present Perfect обозначает действие, которое уже произошло, но имеет результат в настоящем. Например, I have broken my leg. (Я сломал ногу.) Действие уже произошло, а результат действия виден сейчас – Посмотри, я не могу идти. I have washed my hair (Я помыла голову.) Действие уже произошло, а результат действия виден сейчас – Посмотри, у меня чистая голова. Ann has gone out. (Аня вышла.) Действие уже произошло, а результат действия виден сейчас – Посмотри, ее нет на месте.

Настоящее совершенное время образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to have (формы have или has) и основного глагола, если основной глагол правильный, к нему присоединяется окончание –ed; если глагол неправильный, смотрите третий столбец Таблицы неправильных глаголов.

Таблица неправильных глаголов:
bring brought brought
havehad had
Поставьте глагол в правильную форму. В случае необходимости пользуйтесь словарем.
1.‘Where is Liz?’ ‘She’s not here. She ____________ (go) out.’
2.I know that man, but I _____________ (forget) his name.
3.Look! Somebody _____________ (break) that window.
4.‘Can I have a look at your magazine?’ ‘Yes, I ____________ (finish) with it.’
5.‘Where are my keys?’ ‘I don’t know. I ______________ (see) them.’
6.I ___________ (buy) some new shoes. Do you want to see them?
7.I can’t find my umbrella. Somebody _____________ (take) it.
8.Do you want this newspaper? No, I _______________ (read) it.
9.I’m looking for Paula. __________ you _____________ (see) her?
10.‘Does Lisa know that John is going away?’ ‘Yes, he ______________ (tell) her.’
11.I’m looking for Ann. Where ____________ she _____________ (go)?
12.Kate is having a party tonight. She _______________ (invite) a lot of people.
13.What are you going to do? ___________ you ______________ (decide)?
14.‘Does John know about the meeting tomorrow?’ ‘I don’t think so. I __________ (tell) him.’
Ответы Упражнение: 1. has gone 2. have forgotten 3. has broken 4. have finished 5. haven’t seen 6. have bought 7. has taken 8. have read 9. Have you seen 10. has told 11. Has she gone 12. has invited 13. Have you decided 14. haven’t told.

Игнатьева Виктория Викторовна
Continuous – Настоящее длительное время

Present Continuous употребляется для выражения действия, которое происходит: now (сейчас), at this moment (в этот момент), while (в то время как, пока).

But (но):
write-writing, dance-dancing
run-running, sit-sitting, get – getting (короткие глаголы с гласной и согласной на конце) lie-lying

Поставьте глагол в правильную форму. В случае необходимости пользуйтесь словарем.
1.Helga ___________ (read) a magazine. Don’t shout (shout – кричать).
2.Please be quite. I ____________ (work).
3.He __________ (wait) for a bus.
4.His children ____________ (play) football now.
5.‘Where’s Ann?’ She’s in the kitchen. She ___________ (cook).
6.We ____________ (have) breakfast now (have breakfast – завтракать). Can I phone youlater?
7.‘What are you doing?’ ‘I ___________ (have) dinner (have dinner – ужинать).
8.I think they ___________ (play) tennis now.
9.They ___________ (build – строить) a new hotel in the city center at the moment.
10.Look! She ___________ (laugh – смеяться) at you!
11.‘What are you doing?’ I ____________ (wash – мыть) my hair.
12.We’re here on holiday. We _____________ (stay) at the Oasis Hotel.
13.I _________ (do) an exercise. Could you help me?
14.Listen! Somebody ___________ (sing – петь).
15.‘Excuse me, but you __________ (sit) in my place.’ ‘Oh, I’m sorry’
16.Take an umbrella with you. It ___________ (rain).
17.He ___________ (watch) TV while she ___________ (cook) dinner.
18.I _________ (drink) coffee and __________ (do) my homework. Do not disturb me (disturb – отвлекать).
19.You can turn off (turn off – выключить) the television. I ___________ (read) a book.
20.‘Where are the children?’ ‘They ___________ (play) in the park.’
21.The weather is nice. The sun ___________ (shine – светить).
22.Tim __________ (repair – чинить) the car at the moment.
23.Look at Mary! She ____________ (take) her dog for a walk.
24.John is late for work. He ____________ (run) to catch the bus.
25.Be quiet! Dad ___________ (sleep).
26.Jeremy is in his bedroom. He ____________ (pack) his suitcase (чемодан).
27.The children aren’t in the house. They __________ (play) in the garden.
28.She is busy. She ___________ (type) a letter (письмо).
29.‘You ____________ (stand) on my foot.’ ‘Oh, I’m sorry.’
30.‘Where’s John?’ ‘He ___________ (have) a shower (have a shower – принимать душ).’

Ответы: 1. is reading 2. am working 3. is waiting 4. are playing 5. is cooking 6. are having 7. am having 8. are playing 9. are building 10. is laughing 11. am washing 12. are staying 13. am doing 14. is singing 15. are sitting 16. is raining 17. is watching, is cooking 18. am drinking, doing 19. am reading 20. are playing 21. is shining 22. is repairing 23. is taking 24. is running 25. is sleeping 26. is packing 27. are playing 28. is typing 29. are standing 30. is having.
Игнатьева Виктория Викторовна

Past Simple (прошедшее простое время) употребляется для выражения однократных или регулярно повторяющихся действий в прошлом. Признаками этого времени являются: yesterday (вчера), a minute ago (минуту назад), last week (на прошлой неделе), last month (в прошлом месяце), long ago (давно) и т.п.
Прошедшее простое время образуется:
1.к правильным глаголом присоединяется окончание –ed;
2.неправильные глаголы вы можете найти в таблице неправильных глаголов, смотрите второй столбец.
Таблица неправильных глаголов и правила образования утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений в прошедшем простом времени представлены ниже:

Таблица неправильных глаголов:
bring brought brought
havehad had

Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную форму глагола. В случае необходимости пользуйтесь словарем.
1.He _____ his teeth three times yesterday (clean).
2.It was hot in the room, so I _____ the window (open).
3.The film was very long. It _____ at 6.30 and _____ at 10 o’clock (start, finish).
4.When I was a child, I _____ to be a doctor (want).
5.The accident _____ last Saturday afternoon (happen).
6.It’s a nice day today, but yesterday it _____ (rain).
7.We _____ our holiday last year (enjoy). We _____ at a very nice place (stay).
8.Kate’s grandmother _____ when she was 80 years old (die).
9.Sandra always goes to work by bus. Yesterday she _____ to work by bus (go).
10.Tom often loses his keys. He _____ his keys last week (lose).
11.I usually get up early, but this morning I _____ up at 9 o’clock (get).
12.Caroline meets her friends every evening. She _____ her friends yesterday evening (meet).
13.We usually buy two newspapers every day. Yesterday we _____ two newspapers (buy).
14.James _____ into the room, _____ off his coat and _____ down (come, take, sit).
15.I often go to the cinema at weekends. Last Saturday I _____ to the cinema (go).
16.Mike eats an orange every day. Yesterday he _____ an orange (eat).
17.Tom always has a shower in the morning. This morning he _____ a shower (have).
18.Our friends often come to see us. They _____ to see us last Friday (come).
19.Derek _____ some new clothes yesterday – two shirts, a jacket and a pullover (buy).
20.I saw Joe, but I _____ Jane (see).
21.They worked on Monday, but they _____ on Tuesday (work).
22.We went to the post office, but we _____ to the bank (go).
23.Sara had a pen, but she _____ any paper (have).
24.Jack did French at school, but he _____ English (do).
25.We went to the cinema, but the film wasn’t very good. We _____ it (enjoy).
26.‘_____ Chris this morning (you, phone)?’ ‘No, I _____ time.’ (have)
27.‘_____ yesterday?’ ‘No, it was a nice day.’ (it, rain)
28.We were tired, so we _____ long at the party (stay).
29._____ well last night (you, sleep)?
30.‘I cut my hand this morning.’ ‘How _____ that?’ (you, do)

Ответы Упражнение: 1. cleaned 2. opened 3. started, finished 4. wanted 5. happened 6. rained 7. enjoyed, stayed 8. died 9. went 10. lost 11. got 12. met 13. bought 14. came, took, sat 15. went 16. ate 17. had 18. came 19. bought 20. didn’t see 21. didn’t work 22. didn’t go 23. didn’t have 24. didn’t do 25. didn’t enjoy 26. Did you phone, didn’t have 27. Did it rain 28. didn’t stay 29. Did you sleep 30. did you do.
Игнатьева Виктория Викторовна

Past Simple и Past Continuous

Время Past Simple обозначает действие, которое завершилось в прошлом, а время Past Continuous обозначает действие, которое длилось в прошлом.
формы Past Simple

формы Past Continuous

Таблица неправильных глаголов:
bring brought brought
havehad had

Упражнение 1
Поставьте глагол в правильную форму. В случае необходимости пользуйтесь словарем.
1. Ann broke her arm last week. It .................. (happen) when she .................. (paint) her room. She ..................... (fall) off the ladder.
2. The train ................... (arrive) at the station and Kate .................... (get) off. Two friends of hers, John and Mary, ............................ (wait) to meet her.
3. Yesterday Christina ...................... (walk) along the road when she ................. (meet) James. He ....................... (go) to the station to catch a train and he ..................... (carry) a bag. They .................. (stop) to talk for a few minutes.
Упражнение 2
Поставьте глагол в правильную форму. В случае необходимости пользуйтесь словарем.
1. A: What ………………… (you/do) at 2 o'clock this morning?
B: I was asleep.
2. A: .............................. (you/see) Jerry last night?
B: Yes, she ........................ (wear) a very nice jacket.
3. A: What …………………….. (you/do) when the phone rang?
B: I was watching television.
4. A: Was Sue at work today?
B: No, she ......................... (not/go) to work. She was ill.
5. A: Was Kate busy when you went to see her?
B: Yes, she ........................ (study).
6. A: How fast ............................ (you/drive) when the police ........................... (stop) you?
B: I'm not sure, but I ......................... (not/drive) very fast.
7. A: How ....................... (you/break) the window?
B: We ....................... (play) football. I ..................... (kick) the ball and it ....................... (hit) the window.
8. A: What time ............................. (the post/arrive) this morning?
B: It ....................... (come) while I .......................... (have) breakfast.
9. A: .......................... (your team/win) the football match yesterday?
B: The weather was very bad, so we ......................... (not/play).
10. A: I .................... (lose) my key last night.
B: How ........................ (you/get) into your room?
A: I ............................ (climb) in through a window.

Упражнение 1
1. happened, was painting, fell 2. arrived, got, were waiting 3. was walking, met, was going, was carrying, stopped.
Упражнение 2
1. were you doing 2. Did you see, was wearing 3. were you doing 4. didn’t go 5. was studying 6. were you driving, stopped, wasn’t driving 7. did you break, were playing, kicked, hit 8. did the post arrived, came, was having 9. Did your team win, didn’t play 10. lost, did you get, climbed.

Игнатьева Виктория Викторовна

Past Continuous – Прошедшее длительное время

Время Past Continuous обозначает действия, которые происходили или не происходили в точно указанное время в прошлом или имели временный характер в прошлом. Признаками этого времени являются: at 3 o’clock (в 3 часа), when she came… (когда она пришла), from 6 till 7 o’clock (с 6 до 7 часов), the whole evening (целый вечер), while (в то время как, пока) и т.д.

But (но):
live-living, dance-dancing
run-running, sit-sitting, get – getting (короткие глаголы)lie-lying

Поставьте глагол в правильную форму. В случае необходимости пользуйтесь словарем.
1.At 8.45 yesterday morning Sarah __________ (wash) her car.
2.We __________ (watch) TV the whole evening.
3.Yesterday at 10.45 we __________ (play) tennis.
4.Yesterday at 8 o’clock Kate __________ (read) a newspaper.
5.In 2001 we__________ (live) in Canada.
6.It __________ (rain), so we didn’t go out.
7.When John came home, Mary __________ (cook) dinner.
8.From 7 till 7.30 Mike and Julia __________ (have) breakfast.
9.When Rachel came, Karen __________ (clean) the kitchen.
10.Today she’s wearing a skirt, but yesterday she __________ (wear) trousers.
11.I woke up early yesterday. It was a beautiful morning. The sun __________ (shine) and the birds __________ (sing).
12.At 9 o’clock yesterday evening I __________ (talk) with Elena.
13.Two days ago when I met Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, they __________ (walk) in the park.
14.Yesterday at 9 a.m. Sara __________ (wait) for a train at the station.
15.‘Where __________ (you, live) in 2003?’ ‘In London.’
16.‘What __________ (Sue, do) at 2 o’clock?’ ‘She was asleep.’
17.‘__________ (it, rain) when you got up?’ ‘No, it was sunny.’
18.‘Why __________ (Kate, drive) so far?’ ‘Because she was late.’
19.What __________ (you, do) when Philip came?
20.‘__________ (Denis, wear) a suit yesterday?’ ‘No, jeans and T-shirt.’
21.Jack __________ (go – отрицание) home when I saw him.
22.Mary __________ (ride – отрицание) a bicycle when I met her.
23.Yesterday afternoon when I saw Paul and Mary, they __________ (go – отрицание) to the cinema.
24.‘What did he say?’ ‘I don’t know. I __________ (listen – отрицание).’
25.It __________ (rain – отрицание) when we went out.

Ответы Упражнение: 1. was washing 2. were watching 3. were playing 4. was reading 5. were living 6. was raining 7. was cooking 8. were having 9. was cleaning 10. was wearing 11. was shining, were singing 12. was talking 13. were walking 14. was waiting 15. were you living? 16. was Sue doing? 17. was it raining? 18. was Kate driving? 19. were you doing? 20. was Denis wearing? 21. wasn’t going 22. wasn’t riding 23. weren’t going 24. wasn’t listening 25. wasn’t raining.

Игнатьева Виктория Викторовна

Future Simple – Будущее простое время

Время Future Simple обозначает однократное или регулярно повторяющееся действие в будущем. Признаками этого времени являются: tomorrow (завтра), next week (на следующей неделе), next month (в следующем месяце), in two days (через два дня), soon (скоро) и т.д.

Формы Future Simple:

Поставьте глагол в правильную форму. В случае необходимости пользуйтесь словарем.
1.Tomorrow Ann ___________ (be) in Paris.
2.Next week she ___________ (be) in London.
3.In three days Ann __________ (be) in Munich.
4.At the end of her business trip she ____________ (be) very tired.
5.Probably tomorrow John _________ (invite) me to the party.
6.I think Kate _________ (pass) the exam.
7.This letter is for Andrew. I ___________ (give) it to him.
8.It’s John’s birthday next Monday. He __________ (be) 35.
9.‘I don’t want this banana.’ ‘Well, I’m hungry. I __________ (eat) it.’
10.I like this computer. I think I ___________ (buy) it.
11.I’m sure your aunt _________ (lend) us some money. She’s very rich.
12.__________ (you/be) in Tokyo next week?
13.‘Did you phone Rose?’ ‘Oh no, I forgot. I __________ (do) it now.’
14.Don’t drink coffee before you go to bed. You __________ (sleep).
15.Leave the old bread in the garden. The birds __________ (eat) it.
16.I don’t think it ________ (snow) this afternoon.
17.It ___________ (rain), so you don’t need to take an umbrella.
18.‘Are you ready yet?’ ‘Not yet. I ___________ (be) ready in five minutes.’
19.Do you think the test __________ (be) difficult?
20.I’m going away for a few days. I’m leaving tonight, so I ___________ (be) at home tonight.
21.‘How do you use this camera?’ ‘Give it to me and I __________ (show) you.’
22.I am sorry I was late this morning. It _________ (happen) again.
23.You can call me this evening. I __________ (be) at home.
24.‘Do you want a chair?’ ‘No, it’s OK. I __________ (sit) on the floor.’
25.‘I don’t feel very well this evening.’ ‘Well, go to bed early and you _________ (feel) better in the morning.’
26.I think Sara _________ (like) her present.
27.I haven’t done the shopping yet. I __________ (do) it later.
28.At 9 o’clock tomorrow, she __________ (be) at work.
29.At 9 o’clock tomorrow, she __________ (be) at work. She is ill.
30.Kate _________ probably (go) to the cinema with Steve.

1. will be 2. will be 3. will be 4. will be 5. will invite 6. will pass 7. will give 8. will be 9. will eat 10. will buy 11. will lend 12. will you be 13. will do 14. will not sleep 15. will eat 16. will snow 17. will not rain 18. will be 19. will be 20. will not be 21. will show 22. will not happen 23. will be 24. will sit 25. will feel 26. will like 27. will do 28. will be 29. will not be 30. will go.

Игнатьева Виктория Викторовна

Future Continuous – Будущее длительное время

Время Future Continuous обозначает действие, которое будет происходить в точно указанное время или в определенный промежуток времени в будущем. Признаками этого времени являются: at 3 o’clock (в 3 часа)…, when she comes… (когда она придет), from 6 till 7 o’clock tomorrow (завтра с 6 до 7 часов), while (в то время как, пока) и т.д.
Формы Future Continuous:

Поставьте глагол в правильную форму. В случае необходимости пользуйтесь словарем.
1.Tomorrow at 9.30 Jane ______________ (watch) her favourite film.
2.Can we meet tomorrow morning? – No, I ______________ (work).
3.Tomorrow from 7 till 7.30 Mike and Julia __________ (have) breakfast.
4.This time next week I ________________ (swim) in the sea.
5.Don’t phone me tomorrow between 6 and 7. I ________________ (have) dinner with my boss.
6.At 11 o’clock tomorrow I _______________ (wash) my car.
7.Tomorrow afternoon we are going to play tennis from 2 until 4. So at 3 o’clock we ______________ (play).
8.Andrew _______________ (write) a letter when she comes.
9.I ______________ (cook) dinner when you return.
10.Don’t come to my house at five o’clock. I ______________ (have) an Italian lesson.
11.What _____________ (do) at this time tomorrow?
12.Tomorrow morning Derek ______________ (look) through fresh newspapers and magazines.
13.Ann ______________ (not/wait) for you at the bus stop at six o’clock tomorrow.
14.Carlos ______________ (leave) the house tomorrow at 7.45.

1. Will be watching 2. Will be working 3. Will be having 4. Will be swimming 5. Will be having 6. Will be washing 7. Will be playing 8. Will be writing 9. Will be cooking 10. Will be having 11. Will you be doing 12. Will be looking 13. Will not be waiting 14. Will be leaving

Игнатьева Виктория Викторовна

Can употребляется для выражения способности в настоящем I can speak English; для того, чтобы обратиться с просьбой Can you help me, please? или попросить разрешения Can I watch this film, Mum?
Could употребляется для выражения способности в прошлом I could play with my toys the whole day when I was a child; для того, чтобы обратиться с вежливой просьбой Could you help me, please? или вежливо попросить разрешения Could I open the window, please?


Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную форму глагола. В случае необходимости пользуйтесь словарем.
1.When Julia was five years old, she ____________ (count) to ten.
2.Peter is nineteen. He ____________ (drive) a car.
3.Andrew is three years old. He _____________ (not/write).
4.____________ (I/take) this book, Mum?
5.____________ (you/answer) the phone, please?
6.Ann _____________ (not/walk) because she has broken her leg.
7.Sew _____________ (not/cross) the street because there was a lot of traffic.
8.When I was two, I _____________ (not/read) a newspaper.
9.John ______________ (not/swim) very well, but he is taking lessons.
10.I _______________ (not/run) when I broke my leg.
11._____________ (you/bring) me a glass of milk, please?
12.______________ (I /watch) the late film tonight, Dad?
13.I looked for my keys, but I _____________ (not/find) them.
14._____________ (you/sing) when you were a small child?

1. Could count 2. Can drive 3. Cannot write 4. Can I take 5. Can/Could you answer 6. Cannot walk 7. Could not cross 8. Could not read 9. Cannot swim 10. Could not run 11. Can/Could you bring 12. Can I watch 13. Could not find 14. Could you sing.