Филинкова Ольга Леонидовна

Филинкова Ольга Леонидовна
преподаватель английского языка
Центр Научно-Технического Творчества Учащихся
город Яровое, Алтайский край

No wars at all.

I want the wars to be no more,

I want the sky to be so light,

I want the sun to be so bright,

No tanks, no enemies, no wars…


It will be really the world,

Which everyone didn’t know before,

When trees and flowers will be more,

No tanks, no enemies, no wars…


The world where there’ll be no tears,

Love will be everlasting thing,

When Christ the Lord will be our king,

No tanks, no enemies, no wars…


I want the wolves to be our friends,

The world where children play with snakes,

Where sheep with lions walk round lakes,

No tanks, no enemies, no wars…


I want all people not to die,

And not to hear the sounds of bombs,

The world would be the sweetest home,

No tanks, no enemies, no wars…


Do not forget the awful faults,

Do not repeat the previous wars,

Let us create the finest world,

No tanks, no enemies, no wars!!!