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Богатырёва Татьяна Владимировна

Задания дистанционного курса “Подготовка по аудированию для сдачи ЕГЭ” на образовательном сайте http://tea4er.ru/ было сложным, но интересными и полезными.
 За время курсая ознакомилась с сервисом Podcast, научилась работать с программой "Audacity", составлять задания для аудирования согласно требованиям подготовки к итоговой аттестации обучающихся по английскому языку.
 Данная методика позволит учащимся работать самостоятельно.
 Учащиеся могли использовать созданный материал для практики аудитивных умений самостоятельно.
Обязательно буду применять полученные знания для подготовки к урокам.
Данная методика понравилась возможностями для самостоятельного составления заданий учителем. Преимуществом использования подкастов в учебном процессе является аутентичность заданий. Мотивация обучающихся поднимается благодаря мультимедийности предлагаемых материалов . Использование подкастов позволяет преодолевать объективные трудности учащихся при аудировании,служит для повышения качества аудирования на иностранном языке, а также для развития аудитивных умений.

Теги: Нет тегов 
Богатырёва Татьяна Владимировна

Детальное понимание текста
В данном задании надо выбрать правильный ответ из трех предложенных. Текст записи звучит дважды. Это либо интервью, либо развернутое тематическое высказывание, либо репортаж.
Задание на множественный выбор может быть представлено либо как вопрос с тремя
вариантами ответа, либо как начало предложения с тремя вариантами его завершения, при этом в том и другом случае только один вариант является верным. За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл. За все задание можно получить максимально 7 баллов.
ЦЕЛЬ ЗАДАНИЯ: проверить умение
полного понимания текста на уровне содержания и смысла;
 определить единицу проверяемого текста (слово, предложение, абзац, весь текст);
 различать мнение автора от его намерений; а также от мнений и намерений других
лиц и т.д.
До прослушивания текстов
1. Определить примерное содержание текста по первой строке установки к заданию.
2. Бегло просмотреть сначала все утверждения, а затем каждый вопрос/ начало предложения
без предложенных вариантов ответа или окончаний, чтобы уточнить суть запрашиваемой информации. Если без окончания суть предложения неясна, тогда просмотреть варианты концовок. Это поможет сконцентрировать внимание на запрашиваемой информации, игнорировать избыточную информацию в звучащем тексте.
3. Просмотреть предложенные варианты ответа и определить их различия. Подчеркивать ключевые слова, делать иные пометки, которые помогут понять суть запрашиваемой информации и различия между вариантами.
4. Если не успели изучить все утверждения, не расстраивайтесь. Все задания идут последовательно по тексту, опережения на одно задание достаточно.
Во время первого прослушивания
Отмечать все возможные варианты ответа в задании, ориентируясь ТОЛЬКО на текст, а не на свой здравый смысл или общий кругозор по теме.
Во время второго прослушивания Обратить особое внимание на задания, где изначально были выбраны несколько возможных ответов. Слушая текст, записывать ключевые слова, которые помогают обосновать выбор.
После прослушивания
Проверить однозначность выбора ответа и перенести ответы в бланк. Если однозначного
ответа нет, ВЫБРАТЬ ЛЮБОЙ, но не оставлять пропусков.

First year teacher
In the last semester of college, I married. I was poor and had no car; so I rode a bicycle and
carried my wife on the handlebars. By the end of college, it was clear we were going to have a
baby, so I needed to find a job soon and postpone my graduate program at the University for better times. I took a job in another state in a town I ’d never seen or heard of, because it paid more than any other teaching position I could find.
It turned out to be a tiny village of 1300 that once was a lumber town with the largest
sawmill in the world. Now there was not a tree in sight, the low wet lands had been drained, and the region produced soybeans and cotton. The school where I would teach had only sixteen teachers for grades one through twelve. That meant we had to teach many courses. My college degree was in history, but they already had a history teacher, so I taught geography, general math, algebra I, algebra II, trigonometry, and physics. That was a challenge! Thank Lord I ‘ve
been keen on maths since junior high school and later had a chance of getting more training in this area while temporarily studying Electrical Engineering at the US Naval Academy.
Teachers were also expected to sponsor student activities, and I was asked to sponsor the
junior class. That class earned money by staging a school play, and it also organized and
decorated the gymnasium for a junior-senior prom. I had no experience with drama, but that didn’t seem to matter. My colleague, a new biology teacher was asked to coach the junior basketball team though he had never played basketball. I had, and, after watching his misery during the first practice, I volunteered to take his job too...without pay as well. Sometimes,
riding on the back roads with the team on a cold and crowded school bus, I wondered if I ’d
lost my mind.
Basketball was this tiny school’s only sport, so the boys played twelve months a year and
produced one of the finest teams in the state. For some reason, these rustic country athletes
decided to take my course in trigonometry. It was a delight. I sent them out in teams to see who could be the first to measure the height of a tree or building, with only a protractor and
measuring tape. They loved competition and in the process they learned trigonometry.
On the day my first child was born, I passed cigars around this class to smoke in
celebration. Unexpectedly, the school principal came to the door to see what was going on.
Thinking quickly, I offered him a cigar and saved my job.
The play the juniors put on that year under my direction was a surprise success. The class
selected a mystery that was intended to be scary, but their acting was so poor it became a
comedy. The audience left the building with tears in their eyes from so much laughing. The
young woman who had helped me with the play went home with a nervous breakdown.
In 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first spaceship to orbit the earth. The US
Congress responded to Sputnik by financing the National Defense Education Act, intended to produce a corps of specialists who could help respond to what was thought to be a Soviet threat.
Three of the first-year teachers in this tiny school received three-year grants for university
graduate programs. I was one, and I ’ve been grateful to the Soviet Union ever since for my
graduate education.

Check yourself:

A8-2   A9- 3     A10- 1     A11- 1      A12- 2    A13- 1       A14-2

Теги: Нет тегов 
Богатырёва Татьяна Владимировна

Speaker 1
The pay is terrible and the hours are long but at least I have a job. I must admit that I
hadn’t planned to work in a factory making cardboard boxes and other packaging. But on the positive side I am a management trainee. I will only have to work on the factory machines for six months to get experience but then I ’ll go to the design department, the sales department, accounting and so on — until I understand every aspect of the business. The owner says that if I work hard I stand a good chance of being a departmental manager within three years.
Speaker 2
We are enjoying our gap year. Just three girls on a big year long round-the-world
adventure. Luckily we managed to find jobs in most places we travelled to. We’ve been
waitresses, farm workers, cleaners and once wore costumes advertising a toy shop! We feel quite proud actually. But we did hit some problems — particularly in South America — where there was a lot of disapproval about what we were doing. Probably they thought we should be married and keeping home for clever and successful husbands!
Speaker 3
When I started modern literature at Sussex University I somehow managed to fall out with
my tutor on the “Modern European Mind” module. I am not sure how it happened but the early tutorials were frosty to say the least. Then, mid-term, I presented a paper on Thomas Mann. He loved it! After he returned my paper he asked to meet me and we spent two happy, animated hours discussing the short stories and novellas. We are hardly best friends but the atmosphere
in tutorials is 100% better.
Speaker 4
I can’ t say I enjoyed my school days very much. In my opinion it was far too strict. I also
felt that I was forced to study too many subjects and ended up taking several GCSEs in subjects of little interest to me. But I am off to university now and I am not looking back over my shoulder. No more noisy classrooms and compulsory PE, no more memorising the rainfall graphs for Venezuela and the fascinating (yawn) politics of Jacobean England. I am o ff to make a new start and will begin learning what I need to know, to be the person I want to be.
Speaker 5
Living in a hall of residence is not too bad. The people who live on our corridor have become
a little community. We often cook and socialise together. I t ’s pretty comfortable in my bedroom, if a bit small. The woods at the back are beautiful, especially now that it is autumn, and make up for horrid green paint with which the walls are painted. Of course the walls are thin and it can be a bit noisy studying there. But I prefer to work in the library so it is not a problem.

Speaker 6
I thought I had been robbed. My wallet was gone with just about all the money I currently
have. I reported it of course to the Campus administrator and Dad kindly offered to send some money to help me out until the end of term. I was even briefly jealous of my friends who are now earning a salary rather than going to university. But the great news is that I have found my wallet and truth be told, my room is so untidy that I wasn’ t entirely surprised. I wonder if I should give my Dad a call....


1-D    2-G    3- A    4- F     5- В      6-Е

Теги: Нет тегов 
Богатырёва Татьяна Владимировна

Понимание запрашиваемой информации
В данном задании надо выбрать правильный ответ из трех предложенных: Верно/ Неверно/В тексте не сказано. В задании предлагается семь утверждений, связанных с содержанием аудиотекста (беседы или небольшого сообщения в пределах тем повседневного общения).
Текст записи звучит дважды. В ходе выполнения задания требуется установить,
является ли каждое из утверждений верным, ложным или текст не дает достаточной информации по данному вопросу. За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл. За все задание можно получить максимально 7 баллов.
ЦЕЛЬ ЗАДАНИЯ: проверить умение  понимать суть запрашиваемой информации и находить нужную информацию в звучащем тексте;
определять наличие или отсутствие запрашиваемой информации в тексте;
 игнорировать избыточную информацию и незнакомые слова, не мешающие выполнению задания.
До прослушивания текстов
1. Определить общее содержание текста по первой строке установки.
2. Бегло просмотреть все утверждения, а затем каждое утверждение последовательно, чтобы уточнить суть запрашиваемой информации. Мысленно сформулировать уточняющие вопросы. Они помогут сконцентрировать внимание на нужных моментах текста, игнорировать избыточную информацию, определить, есть ли запрашиваемая информация в тексте. Пример утверждения: Сестра одобряет решение брата по поводу летних каникул.
(Сестра или кто-то иной? Одобряет ли? Чье решение? Летних ли каникул? и т.д.)
3. Если в утверждении есть информация (чаще всего именно уточняющая деталь), которая отсутствует в тексте — это является основанием для выбора ответа «нет информации».
4. Если не успели изучить все утверждения, не расстраивайтесь. Все задания идут последовательно по тексту, опережения на одно задание достаточно.
Во время первого прослушивания

По мере прослушивания текста отмечать все возможные варианты ответа, принимая во внимание уточняющие детали, вопросы, заданные ранее.
Во время второго прослушивания
Обратить особое внимание на задания, где изначально были выбраны несколько возможных вариантов ответа. Слушая текст, записывать ключевые слова, позволяющие обосновать правильность выбора ответа.
После прослушивания Проверить однозначность выбора ответа и перенести ответы в бланк.

Alice: I ’m just going to the shop to get a few bits and pieces. Do you need anything?
Dad: You couldn’t pick up a half a dozen litre bottles of carbonated water could you?
Alice: I would Dad but I am going by bike and I can’t get anything heavy. It’s more a case
of anything small and urgent — then I ’m your girl.
Dad: Well we need batteries for the remote control. They are small and really urgent. We’ll
not be able to watch TV otherwise
Alice: More urgent for you than for me. But no problem, batteries: Anything else?
Dad: I think we are pretty low on toothpaste and maybe soap. Do you want to check?
Alice: I checked already and we have plenty.
Dad: I know what we really need — a roll of insulation tape. Some wires have come loose
under the stairs and I promised your mum that I would sort it out. Actually we need a new box
of fuses as well. They really have run out because I looked yesterday. And by the way we need a
new screwdriver set because....
Alice: I am not sure if I can get those from the shop on the corner. Probably it will be
necessary to go into the centre of town.
Dad: Why don’t we both go? I ’ll take the car and then we can stock up on some of the
heavier things like water, fruit and veg.
Alice: You haven’t looked outside have you? There’s been an accident at the top of Gardner
Street. The police have now closed it to cars and set up a diversion but the traffic is at a
complete standstill. The only way to travel just now is by bike or on foot which is why I am
going to cycle there.
Dad: I didn’t realise. Was it a bad accident?
Alice: They say on the radio news that nobody was hurt but 5 vehicles are involved and they
don’t expect the road to be open again until later this evening.
Dad: I see. So we won’t get a chance to visit the town centre shops until tomorrow. In that
case just some batteries — if they sell them at the corner shop. I hope they do because I don’t
know how a TV addict like you will possibly survive a whole evening without TV
Alice: Ha ha. Well it takes one to know one
Dad: Be careful on the bike. The traffic may be at a standstill but there are always a few
drivers who go on pavements and similar stunts. Have you asked your Mum or brother if they
need anything urgent?
Alice: I asked Mum but she doesn’t need anything. Michael’s still not home from college.
You have 15 seconds to complete the task (Pause 15 seconds.)
Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.


A1-2    A2-1    A3- 2    A4-3    A5-2   A6- 1    A7- 3

Теги: Нет тегов 
Богатырёва Татьяна Владимировна

Вы услышите рассказ об инциденте в ресторане. В заданиях А 8 -А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

                                                                   A difficult client
When I was nineteen I worked in the kitchen of a Creole restaurant in Panama City, Florida.
The word “Creole” refers to people who are descended from settlers in the colonial French
Louisiana (before it became part of the USA in 1803). And Creole food is great. It is a blend of French, Spanish and Caribbean styles. I used to knock up fantastic fresh salads, filet and fry grouper fresh from the harbour. I made vast vats of red beans and rice and tureens of gumbo.
I boiled great pans of fresh shrimp and cracked open and then fried Oysters in white wine.
The odd thing is that I am not a trained chef. Every single recipe was based on a mixture of
measures in the recipe book. So many cups of this, shakes of that, tablespoons of Tabasco or
citrus, jugs of cut celery, etc. But every meal turned out perfect so long as I followed “the
book” to the letter.
I worked in the kitchen with a rather strange guy from Los Angeles called Scott. He had a
strange haircut and was disconcertingly crossed eyed. But the waitresses were cute — especially Suzie with her long curly brown hair.
One day we had a bit of an episode. A woman in the restaurant started screaming and
demanding to see the chef. I could hear the commotion from deep within the kitchens and began to look for somewhere to hide. Scott was out that day and there was nobody else in the kitchen. Suzie caught me as I tried to hide behind the rice sacks in the larder. “You’ve got to come out John. She’s gone absolutely mental. The other customers are gonna call the cops if we can’t sort this” .
Feeling terribly afraid and inadequate I was led out to the woman making the noise. She
stopped screaming but continued to shake as she eyed me up and down. Because she’d asked for the “chef” I guessed I must have made a terrible mistake in the kitchen. I was alone down there that lunchtime so whatever was wrong it must have been my fault. What would she say if she discovered I wasn’t a chef at all but doing a holiday job making recipes from a book?
The truth eventually came out. I had served her a basket of whole boiled shrimp. According
to the lady, the little devils had little “ faces” and “eyes” , “stared at her” and had completely
freaked her out. I spoke to her very softly and sat down next to her. I told her I ’d take them
away and if she still wanted shrimp I ’d peel them myself and bring them to her. She thanked me
very much. Seemed very happy and after a short while consumed the shelled shrimp and left.
Afterward I was again called to the front by Suzie. But this time I got a round of applause
from the other customers and $120 were the tips.

Теги: Нет тегов 
Богатырёва Татьяна Владимировна

Вы услышите разговор между братом и сестрой о летних каникулах. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений (А 1 -А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию текста(1), какие не соответствуют (2) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(3). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Pre-listening task

Have you ever heard about volunteers? What can they do? How do they help people? Have you ever been a  volunteer?

Now we are ready to start.

Katie: You are going to work all summer as a volunteer?
Paul: Yes. I t ’s really exciting. I can’ t wait.
Katie: Let me see now, that’ll be no money, no time o ff and no summer. I can only see
Paul: Ha-Ha, how witty you are, very funny. Is it worth even trying to explain to a summer
department store worker such as yourself?
Katie: Steady on brother! OK — tell me about it. I am all ears.
Paul: Did you know there are thousands of people with no computer skills? Think about
that for a moment. What jobs today don’t need computers? And think about our media
surroundings. I t ’s all websites, virtual opportunities, social networking and so on. Then just
imagine you don’t understand any of it. Imagine no prospect ever of getting a job or even....
Katie: Paul — there is no excuse nowadays for anyone not having basic computer skills.
Paul: Really? What about people over 50? They never had computer classes at school
because for ordinary people then, there were no computers. And what about those disadvantaged by dyslexia, or those from tough home environments, or the elderly, or....
Katie: I get the picture. Go on.
Paul: I ’ll be in a training centre, giving one-to-one tuition to people whose lives might
really change for the better. I did one evening a week last term and loved it. Now I have a whole summer.
Katie: Well I will work 7 days a week for most of the summer. And then I am going to the
south of France with James and we’ll have the summer holiday of our lives.
Paul: That’s great Katie. Don’t think I don’t approve or even that I am not a tiny bit
jealous. I am not a saint and actually in a sense, we are both taking the same option.
Katie: What do you mean?
Paul: You, dear sister, and I are both choosing exactly what we want to do this summer and
really, we are making that choice only for ourselves.
Katie: Well — I still think you should get a halo.


Теги: Нет тегов 
Богатырёва Татьяна Владимировна

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1—6 и утверждениями, данными в списке A —G. Используйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.
Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Before listening learn new words.


Now we are ready to start.
Speaker 1
Why on earth do they want to check our uniforms in a final exam? There are enough
stresses in taking an exam without having to worry about whether you are wearing a regulation shoe! But this really happened to my friend and five other kids, who were excluded from taking an exam because they were not in approved school uniform. Can you imagine? After five years learning and hours of revision and practice; you finally fail your exam and endanger your future simply because you are wearing the wrong kind of shoe!
Speaker 2
Here I am at the school dance, wanting to ask Susan Turner for a dance — and I look like a
penguin! I had put a lot of thought into this. I really did want to look my best. I managed to
borrow my brother’s Paul Smith jacket and jeans. But the most exciting thing was that I got
Kurt Geiger shoes and a “super cool” Armani shirt — in a charity shop for twenty five quid! I
looked and felt great until the dance invitations arrived stating “black tie dress code only” . I
wonder if Susan fancies dancing with a flightless bird...
Speaker 3
People can wear a set of clothes that are not identical but still be “ in uniform” . Bankers and
stockbrokers, together with football fans and style conscious teenagers all wear a type of uniform. They can be strict about this. There are no jeans in the board room and you don’ t wear a Chelsea shirt to a Manchester derby! Research has shown that uniformity is one issue but more important is being noticed and approved.
Speaker 4
Technical security workers at this huge corporation belong to a private firm whose delivery
vans, uniforms, bags and boxes are all the same horrible mix of orange and blue. The ingenious robbers discovered that this provided both a perfect disguise and a clever means of escape. They just walked into the security camera repair room and pretended to work for almost an hour —nobody even spoke to them. Not even the genuine workers noticed that they had three additional“colleagues” and it was only the next day that the robbery was detected.
Speaker 5
I am worried that they’ll notice and laugh. I ’m trying to keep as far away from them as
possible. I divide my time between the “ chill out” area and the buffet. I ’ ll not chance the dance floor because everyone will notice. A cream taffeta wrap blouse, Italian Jersey dress and «fabulously edgy» strap thong shoes from Camilla Skovaard and — unbelievably — all of us scented with Jo Malone “Orange Blossom” ! How on earth can three girls at one small party wear exactly the same thing?
Speaker 6
Jimmy was a pirate and Becky was a queen. Cleopatra did an incredible tango with a
policeman and I noticed a slow dance between Napoleon and a ballerina. I myself wore nice
jeans, a new shirt and looked, I thought, pretty cool. But neither Cleopatra, the hospital nurse or the pilot would dance with me. I went home quickly and with a wide sombrero and poncho (holiday souvenirs) quickly transformed myself in to a Mexican bandit. I returned to the party within an hour. I can now tell you that Cleopatra taught me some crazy dance moves.

Теги: Нет тегов 
Богатырёва Татьяна Владимировна

Свой сайт я назвала бы "For Friends"

Думаю,что на сайте необходимо создать следующие странички:


Новости (новости в области образования, информация о конкурсах, олимпиадах, семинарах, мастер-классах)

Методическая копилка (конспекты уроков, тесты, презентации к урокам, проекты, конкурсные работы.)

Наши достижения (достижения мои и моих учеников)

Для выпускников ( для тех, кто собирается сдавать ЕГЭ и ГИА)

В помощь учащимся (памятки для ребят, необходимый лексический и грамматический материал.)

Для родителей ( статьи о воспитании, психологической помощи и т.д.)

Полезные ссылки


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Богатырёва Татьяна Владимировна

     We often hear that we live in the era of information. It's quiet right because now we have so many opportunities to learn something new. I couldn't even imagine about such source of information as the Internet when I only began my professional career as a teacher. Now I surf the net every day. I look for some additional material for my lessons, send and get e-mail letters, study, take part in on-line seminars and competitions. While surfing the net I use different websites. Some of them are interesting but others are not so good. Should I have my own website? There are some pros and cons.

  Of course it's good because my site will help me to express my thoughts, to share different materials and information, to make friends all over the world. As a teacher of the English language I'll have an excellent chance to communicate with teachers from other cities and countries, to improve my knowledge of the language and methods of teaching. I'll also get one more chance to communicate with my students.

  On the other hand, having a personal site I'll have to spend much more time in front of a computer. But I am so busy as a teacher.  I shouldn't forget about my family and my sons. They need me too. 

     To sum it up, I think it's worth trying to have a personal site. I hope my family will help me in this work.

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возрастная группа - 8 класс
УМК "Enjoy English 8", автор: М. З. Биболетова
Unit 4, Section 4, ex.47, 48 p.104-105
Тема по планированию: "Thanksgiving Day in the USA"

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Богатырёва Татьяна Владимировна


Пути и средства формирования мотивации при изучении английского языка.

(из опыта работы по учебнику “Enjoy English-3” для 5-6 классов, автор М. З. Биболетова и др.)

Богатырёва Т. В., учитель английского языка МОУ «Красноярская СОШ №1.

На протяжении нескольких лет у учителей нашей школы не возникает проблем выбора учебников. Свое предпочтение мы отдали учебникам Enjoy English”, авторы М. З. Биболетова и др. В настоящее время мы работаем по учебникам этих авторов со второго по восьмой класс. В данном УМК на достаточно высоком уровне реализуются требования федерального компонента государственного стандарта через формирование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, понимаемой как способность и готовность общаться на английском языке. Авторам удалось придать курсу современное звучание, ориентированное на взаимопонимание, толерантность, совместное решение важных проблем.

Я бы хотела выделить основные, по моему мнению, принципы данного УМК.

1. Личностно-ориентированный характер заданий в учебнике и рабочей тетради, их дифференциация по характеру и по степени трудности, что обеспечивает индивидуальную посильную учебную нагрузку учащихся.

2. Деятельностный характер обучения английскому языку посредством моделирования условий реального общения в ролевых играх и проектной деятельности.

3. Коммуникативная направленность курса, которая проявляется в формулировке заданий для обучения устной речи, чтению и письму, имеющих коммуникативный смысл и виден выход в реальное общение.

4. Сбалансированное обучение устным и письменным формам общения.

5. Социокультурная направленность заданий УМК дают возможность учащимся овладеть английским языком через знакомство с бытом, культурой, реалиями, ценностными ориентирами людей, для которых английский язык является родным.

6. Использование современных технологий обучения позволяют сделать изучение языка более увлекательным и эффективным. (обучающие компьютерные программы “Enjoy the ABC”, “Enjoy Listening and Playing” для 2-4 классов)

Однако из учебников этой линии выделяются учебники “Enjoy English-3” для 5-6 классов. Учебники для начальной школы (переработанные) и 7-8 классов отличаются насыщенностью материала. В 5-6 классах мы чувствуем недостаток учебного материала, поэтому часто используем дополнительный материал для чтения, аудирования, формирования лексических и грамматических умений и навыков, стараемся поддержать интерес учащихся к изучению языка на данной ступени обучения. Каждый учитель использует свой материал. Мне же хотелось рассказать о том, что я использую в своей работе.

В учебнике широко привлечены лингвострановедческие материалы, которые дают детям возможность

лучше овладеть английским языком через знакомство с бытом, культурой, реалиями, ценностными ориентирами людей, для которых английский язык является родным. Я же предлагаю шире использовать и краеведческий материал. При работе с краеведческим материалом обеспечивается комплексная реализация практических целей обучения, что предполагает развитие у школьников навыков и умений пользоваться иноязычной речью в различных ситуациях общения. Помимо практических, достигаются воспитательные и образовательные цели. Обучение английскому языку при работе с краеведческим материалом призвано:

· способствовать интеллектуальному развитию творческих способностей;

· стимулировать познавательную активность, тем самым расширять свой кругозор;

· повышать общеобразовательный уровень;

· мотивировать учащихся к изучению не только иностранного языка, но и краеведческого материала;

· воспитывать уважение к истории и культуре своего родного края.

Использование краеведческого материала возможно при обучении всем видам речевой деятельности, а именно при обучении устной речи, аудирования, чтения, письма.

Хочу остановиться на нескольких примерах использования краеведческого материала в 6-ом классе.

В разделе 5 “Faces of London” продолжают знакомиться с достопримечательностями Лондона. Я же предлагаю им почитать и поговорить о достопримечательностях нашего родного города.

Museums and interesting places of Astrakhan. (приложение №1)

Famous people (приложение №2)

Краеведческий материал используется и при изучении темы “Animals in our life”.

В 5-6 классах учащиеся осваивают пять грамматических времени: the Present Simple Tense, the Present Progressive Tense, the Present Perfect Tense, the Past Simple Tense, the Future Simple Tense. В дополнении к упражнениям учебника и рабочей тетради можно использовать материал электронного учебника «Профессор Хиггинс».

Хорошим подспорьем при изучении грамматики, являются песни, влючённые в учебное пособие “Songs to Enjoy Grammar (авторы: А. и Ю. Кузьменковы)

Песни используются для закрепления или повторения изучаемых грамматических конструкций, служат иллюстрацией их употребления в различных речевых ситуациях, а подача грамматического материала в песенной форме способствует развитию навыков аудирования и говорения.

Для формирования лексических навыков использую задания пособия “Start Building Your Vocabulary” (автор Jon Flower).

При освоении лексики использую и игровые технологии, поскольку игровая деятельность выполняет такие функции:

Ø развлекательную т. к. игра доставляет удовольствие, воодушевляет, пробуждает интерес.

Ø коммуникативную: учит общению;

Ø самореализации.

Ø игротерапевтическую: преодоление различных трудностей.

В 5-6 классах мы играем в “Lotto”, “Domino”, “Puzzles” и другие игры.

Все перечисленные выше приёмы и методы способствуют повышению мотивации при изучении английского языка в 5-6 классах, помогают сделать учебный процесс интересным и увлекательным.


Рабочий лист №1

Museums and interesting places of Astrakhan.

1 Listen and pronounce the names of the places correctly.

Astrakhan the Museum of the Town History

the Kremlin the Museum of the Local Lore

Uspenskiy Cathedral the Dogadin Picture Gallery

2. Work in groups. Study the vocabulary.

to be founded famous provincial to be proud of

wooden artist cathedral to be rich in

stone exhibit dome to be worth

sight guide

builder construction

3 Read and match the texts and the pictures.



a) Astrakhan was founded in 1558. At first a wooden Kremlin was built. In 1589 the best Russian town builders Velyaminov and Gubasty built the stone Kremlin. Now it is one of the sights of our town and a museum complex under the open air. Every day many students, tourists from other cities come here to learn interesting facts about the history of Astrakhan.


b) This is the Dogadin Picture Gallery – the place where you can see many pictures of the famous Russian artists. It was founded by Pavel Dogadin in 1918. There were only 130 pictures in it at first and now it has more than 11.000 exhibits. Many visitors come here to see pictures of Kustodiev, Savrasov, Levitan, Nesterov, Korovin and Polenov.


c) Everyone enjoys his visit to the Museum of the Local Lore. It is a very interesting place to visit. It is one of the oldest provincial museums in Russia. It was founded in 1837.You can learn here about the history of Astrakhan, its interesting places, famous people and nature of Astrakhan region.


d) There are many cathedrals and churches in Astrakhan. One of the best is USPENSKY CATHEDRAL. It was built in 1698 - 1710. When the weather is sunny, you can see the domes of the Cathedral far away from the town. The famous and talented architect Dorofey Myakishev guided the construction of the Cathedral.


e) We love our old town and are proud of it. Astrakhan is rich in museums. This museum is not large and is situated not far from the centre of the town. It’s the Museum of the Town History. Here you can see many interesting documents, books, photos about the history of Astrakhan, its famous people. This museum is worth visiting.

4. What place is it?

1. 1 You can see many pictures of the famous Russian artists here.

2. 2 It is one of the sights of our town and a museum complex under the open air.

3. 3 There are many interesting documents, books, photos about the history of Astrakhan, its famous people in this museum.

4. 4 It is one of the oldest provincial museums in Russia.

5. 5 It was built at the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th centuries.

5. Decide if the following sentences are true or false.

1. Astrakhan was founded in the 17th century.

2. You can see many pictures of the famous Russian and European artists in the Dogadin Picture Gallery now.

3 The Museum of the Local Lore has many exhibits about the history of Astrakhan, its interesting places, famous people and nature of Astrakhan region.

4. Uspensky Cathedral is one of the best cathedrals of our old town.

5. The Museum of the Town History has many interesting documents, books, photos about the history of Astrakhan, its famous people and unique nature of Astrakhan region.

6. What Astrakhan museum would you like to visit and why?

Рабочий лист №2


Famous people

1 Say what these people are famous for.

Boris Kustodiev

Nadezhda Babkina

Velimir Khlebnikov

Korneliya Mango

Pavel Vlasov

Dmitri Dyuzhev

2 What do they have in common?

3 Choose the necessary words to fill the gaps in the texts.

Boris Kustodiev

1 Boris Kustodiev is a great Russian .

2 He was born at the end of the 19th century in … in Astrakhan.

3 He was fond of … since his childhood because Astrakhan with its picturesque markets, the old Kremlin with the wonderful Uspenskiy Cathedral, native nature impressed the boy greatly and inspired him to paint his first pictures.

4 At the age of 18 he went to to study art at the Academy of Arts.

5 Boris Kustodiev liked to paint portraits, … . He painted many wonderful lyric pictures. The most famous of them are “Fair, "Shrovetide", "Moscow Inn", and “A Holiday in a Village”.

6 The great Russian artist Boris Kustodiev died in … after a serious illness when he was only 49 years old.

Dmitri Dyuzhev

1 Dmitri Dyuzhev is a famous modern …

2 He was born in … in Astrakhan.

3 His father was an actor but Dima was not fond of … at first. In childhood he wanted to become a teacher, a policeman and then a sailor. But then he changed his mind.

4 In 1995 Dmitri finished school and went to … . He entered one of the best Art Institutes of the capital.

5 Dmitri acted his first role in the … “Twenty four hours” in 2000. He became very popular after the role of Cosmos in the film “Brigada”.

6 Now our talented countryman is a very popular actor. He is famous for his roles in comedies, series, and historical films. Dmitri Dyuzhev also works in the theatre and has played some wonderful roles there too.

1writer, artist, scientist, politician, actor, singer, detective.

2 1878, 1999, 1978, 1803

3 mathematics, painting, medicine, acting, English language and literature.

4 Moscow, London, Tambov, Kiev, Paris.

5 landscapes, film, song, dances.

6 1941, 1927, 1880, 1793





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Seven Miracles of Astrakhan Region.


Reading Interests of Students and Their Parents.



Problems of Youth: Generation Gap.


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Богатырёва Татьяна Владимировна

Основные виды чтения и стратегия выполнения тестовых заданий по чтению на уроках ИЯ.




Рабочие листы к урокам английского языка, выполненные по технологии "Schoolhouse Technologies"

(Биболетова М. З."Enjoy English 3" 5 кл. Unit - 4)



Презентация к уроку по теме "My Hobby" (Биболетова М. З. 6 кл. "Enjoy English - 3"


Презентация по теме "A letter of aplication"  (Гроза О."New Millennium English 11")


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Богатырёва Татьяна Владимировна


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