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Вальгер Ольга Вячеславовна

My site

Useful, reliable, Open, read, use

Is a place to share ideas

Good luck!

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Вальгер Ольга Вячеславовна

Название сайта: Learning English with fun
Разделы сайта:
1) Главная страница (общая информация о сайте, чему посвящен);
2) Информация об учителе (место работы, опыт работы, стаж);
3) Разработки учителя (конспекты уроков, тематические и поурочные планирования, сценарии внеклассных мероприятий);
4) Разработки учащихся (конкурсные работы, творческие задания и сочинения);
5) Страничка почета (сертификаты, дипломы, благодарственные письма, подтверждающие участие в различных конкурсах и мероприятиях);
6) Галерея (фото и видео материалы);
7) Новости (предстоящие конкурсы, мероприятия, полезные ссылки)

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Вальгер Ольга Вячеславовна

"Personal site: for and against"

It is quite a disputable question: Have or not to have a personal site. As for me I support an idea of having a personal site and I would like to present some advantages.

1) It is a good area for those information that is necessary for me. I can use only those references, articles that I can use for my work.

2) It is a place where I can discuss different subjects I am interested in with other competent people, share ideas, knowledge, experiment.

3) It is a good sphere of sharing my own plans, pieces of work that I created myself and I can get comments from other users who will help me to correct weak points of my works.

4) It is a useful place of communication with my pupils and even relatives. Nowadays every pupil knows how to work in Internet and every modern teacher should know the information technologies inside out. Internet and a person have become an integral part of development. Through personal site I can communicate with my pupils on different subjects tomotivate them in learning English.

Despite the fact that creating a personal site needs a lot of efforts and time I thaink that having a website is a profitable thing!!!


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