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Абдурахманова Галина Расуловна

   The popularity of the Internet is constantly growing. We live in the XXI century and we can not live without it. The most of us are the active Internet users, especially teenagers. Thanks to the Internet there is a great opportunity to have a personal site. But some people consider that it is not a good idea. Are they right? 

   To my mind, the personal site has a lot of advantages. Firstly, site allows you to show your works, presentations. You can communicate with other teachers, pupils, parents. Secondly, it is the best way for pupils to get information about homework; they can do tests on the site. Moreover, parents communicate with the teacher through the site. The quality of the materials on the site shows the teacher’s competence and professionalism. Teacher becomes a positive example for his students.

    On the other hand, not many people can make their own site, because they have no computers, desire. They think that it is a waste of time. I can not agree with this point of view, because everybody can control time spending on the Internet.

   In conclusion, I would like to say that everyone has opportunities to make their own decision: to have or not to have a personal site.

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