Васильев Александр

Васильев Александр Вадимович
Группа: В1-10
Специальность: Вычислительные машины, комплексы, системы и сети
БОУ Чувашской Республики СПО "Чебоксарский электромеханический колледж",
г. Чебоксары, Чувашия

Blue sky


Look at the sky, my friend

It is blue, it's not red.

As far as grandma and grandad,

They lived and you must be glad.


Just listen to the noise of the streamlet

You must be pleased when you hear it.

And you must not have a stoneface

Bacause there're no use in a war-mace.


You also can feel a whiff of the wind

And you're enjoyed with the birds that you feed.

When you are hungry at the time of the war

You are happy with the every bread that you saw.


Look at the sky, my friend

You're alive and you must be glad!