Тимощук Марина

Тимощук Марина
ГБОУ СПО "Старооскольский Педагогический Колледж"
Зварыкина Снежанна Гарибшоевна

9 May
The Victory Day,
Who went through the war as he was born again,
Would not want all of them regain.

They accomplished a feat,
They country defended.
Honor them and thank
And these words are not blank.

Before the victory the days counted,
It is not easy, they were given
Everyone as best he could survived,
But still kept the home.

Russia’s Victory Day the main holiday
For the whole country is a great day
Their heroism will not be forgotten
Their heroism will always be at the listen.

Did not sleep day and night
To win sought
That day has arrived
We are very pleased.