Рачителева Светлана

Рачителева Светлана Витальевна
класс 11 "Б"
МБОУ "гимназия №5"
учитель: Засыпкина Татьяна Александровна

We are not the champions

We are the winners

We have won the war

That was broken out at four.

Four years of death, of blood and horror.

The were heroes,

And we have to follow…

To follow their steps, to be honest and brave

And remind our friends to remember those

Who weren’t afraid

They were girls who had left their dolls

And boys who liked hanging out at the malls

They fought for themselves, for mothers, for domes.

They saved our planet, our country, our homes.

Visit the third Battle Field

I can tell you a lot:

The name of the soldiers on its obelisks,

The tanks of those battles that still exist.

WE have to remember that feat every day

We must be thankful not only in Memory Day.