Габдрахманова Эльмира

Габдрахманова Эльмира Рашитовна
9"А" класс,
МБОУ Лицей № 1 село Мишкино Республика Башкортостан
Учитель: Каншаева Татьяна Витальевна

It was twentieth century,

It was time of dangers.

All country had been killing their peace,

And they murdered one another like vampires.


It was time of fear,

Because death roamed very near.

Near by children and grown-ups,

Who didn’t wish that wars.


There were children like me and my friends,

But they didn’t see party and dance,

People fought for all human life.

And they didn’t have the right,

The right and chance to be able

To retreat because motherland is valuable.

Because they understood importance of the peace,

Because they cared about all earthly lives.


And I’m happy to live in this world.

My vocabulary is large but I can’t find the main word

To express all my feelings to you,

Who saved our Earth and me too.


And we should remember history of the past

But must we do good things? Yes, we MUST!