Каримова Мария

Каримова Мария Маратовна
Ученица 10 "А" класса
МОУ СОШ "Гимназия г. Раменское", Московская область
Учитель: Гусева Людмила Владимировна

War is a spear piercing my heart.

War is tears of an awaiting mother.

War is a wound in the heart.

War is shouts, death, and another...


War is a pain, loss, tears.

War is hatred to the enemy.

War is fear before the death.

War is your love for the family.


War is an instant and years.

War is common calm loss.

War is the black sky and fears.

War is our painful cross.


War is bombing and a fatal gun.

War is tears in people’s eyes.

War is the life for someone.

War is ETERNAL MEMORY for us.


But forever won’t be it,

We never must forget it!

Both to remember, and to worry!

Because it’s our VICTORY and GLORY!